4 Teacher Workshops to Attend This Summer


Originally published in TEACH Magazine, July/August 2019 Issue

There’s no such thing as “too much knowledge.” But adding professional development into a teacher’s jam-packed schedule can be challenging. Consider utilizing your summer holidays to attend educational workshops that will add to your skill set. Here are some suggested workshops focusing on different topics.

Addressing Mental Health Issues in the Classroom
Various Locations, BC

The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation offers a variety of workshops that help teachers address social issues in the classroom. Some of the offerings include: Addressing Mental Health Issues, Managing Conflict, Creating Inclusive Spaces, and Exploring Placed-Based Learning. Workshops must be booked at least three weeks prior to the date of training.

Alberta Teachers’ Association Workshops
Edmonton and Calgary, AB

The Alberta Teachers’ Association brings the workshops to your school. They offer a variety of workshops to encourage professional development among educators, including enhancing learning of students in all age groups; improving foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis, and Inuit; developing professional growth plans; building mentoring relationships; and creating inclusive learning environments.

Exploring Sustainability in the Classroom and Beyond
Vancouver, BC

This interactive program offers various workshops exploring teaching strategies that make learning about sustainability real, relevant, and action-oriented. The Shift Happens workshop discusses water, wastewater, garbage, air quality, climate change, regional growth, and ecological health. In Get Outdoors!, participants are taught how to use the outdoor classroom efficiently. The Project Wet & Source to Sea workshop integrates the story of water and wastewater in Metro Vancouver. These workshops are available by request for K–12 teachers and at no cost for groups of 15 or more.

Ontario Tech University Summer Workshops for Educators
Oshawa, ON

The newly renamed Ontario Tech University provides a variety of workshops in August. Their aim is to develop activities for 21st century skills through inquiry-based and active learning. K–12 teachers can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills using a variety of tech tools including LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3, Minecraft, a range of robotic devices, and other resources.

One of the sessions is Tech4Teachers, which helps participants gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Turtle Island for Educators is another session designed to enable teachers to get more familiar with culturally responsive teaching. They also offer Creating a Makerspace 1.0 and 2.0 workshops that are designed to help teachers gain a perspective on how to create a makerspace environment in the classroom.

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