Adam Stone

Adam Stone is a seasoned journalist with 20+ years’ experience. He covers education, technology, government, and the military, along with diverse other topics.


From the Author:

Encouraging Creativity in Lesson Plans

It can be incredibly easy to treat lesson planning like a checklist. Objective: check. Standards: check. Activity: check. Education experts say there is a better way.

Carbon Neutral: Messages of Hope

At a time when it would be easy to scare them silly, educators need to empower kids instead. They need to know that change is possible.

The End of Discipline in the Classroom

The current thinking on discipline is preemptive, rather than reactive. Change how you run your classroom, experts suggest, and discipline issues will no longer be a problem.

Leveling Up: Motivating Students Through Gamification

Grammatically, it’s an awful-sounding word: gamification, or as a verb, to “gamify” the classroom. Teachers, however, have found a powerful tool here.

“Try to Lay Low”: Growing Up Gay Pre-1969 Canada

It isn’t easy to teach the history of homosexuality in Canada. We interviewed three gay men who were there and remember what it was like growing up before Decriminalization.

Hunger Pangs: Addressing Food Insecurity in Schools

While a range of programs aim to ensure kids have ready access to healthy meals throughout the school day, many K–12 students aren’t getting the food they need.

Kid-Free Holiday Options

For teachers who spend all their professional time surrounded by the K–12 crowd, an adult-only vacation destination may be just what is required to recharge the batteries.

Slow Down: Keeping Children Safe in School Zones

Far from being a safe haven, schools can be a danger zone, especially for students walking amongst the crush of cars and buses that converge at drop-off and pick-up times.


Education News

Devoting More Resources to Special Education Services

There is a dire shortage of special education programs and qualified teachers for children with developmental disabilities.

Breathing New Life Into Old Classroom Resources

The NAC's new digital library provides a trove of refreshed, accessible resources that make teaching easier and learning more meaningful.

The Key to Decoding Reading Proficiency in K–12 Students

This new study highlights the importance of foundational decoding proficiency and its impact on reading comprehension beyond elementary school.

A Smart Gateway to SEL: Digital Libraries

Introducing smART breaks: a free digital arts library that teaches SEL competencies to elementary school children.

Vision to Reality: Creating STEM Pathways for Black Youth

The shortage of Black men in STEM remains a dire challenge in the United States. Here's a new project that is offering research-backed ways for support.

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