Treaty 3: Connections

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This project explores connections between the residents of Treaty 3 and the land, reflecting on how the natural world embodies culture, traditions, and values. Through a combination of lesson plans and videos, students will unlock new learning about Indigenous worldviews and ways of seeing, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the evolving relationship that exists between Indigenous peoples and Canada. 

All My Relations: Worldviews of Indigenous Peoples in Canada

It’s my hope that educators will find these lessons about worldview useful, as will their students. The concepts may seem simple—they are! It’s easy to dismiss how deeply these values of relationality reach into Anishinaabe worldview; even for those who have been separated from their cultural teachings, this learning unlocks new answers. Miigwech bizindawiyeg / Thank you for listening.

– JoAnne Formanek Gustafson

Download the teaching materials here.

Connections: Melody McKiver

My connection to Treaty 3 is really deeply integral to what I do… Especially in that to be Indigenous is to be connected to a specific place, and I know that place that I’m connected to is Treaty 3.

– Melody McKiver

Connections: Brent Tookenay

My connection is I’m a citizen of the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty 3. My role here as an educator is to help support various initiatives, education, training, all things that will help the people of Treaty 3.

– Brent Tookenay

Connections: Nadya Kwandibens

Ultimately I’m so, so proud to be from Treaty 3… The land is beautiful, my people and my nation are beautiful. I’m just really blessed and thankful. Thankful for the life that I’ve lived so far.

– Nadya Kwandibens

Connections: JoAnne Formanek Gustafson

Treaty 3 is the territory where my community is and also where I’ve lived my entire life. It’s a pretty profound family connection.

– JoAnne Formanek Gustafson

Connections: Sara Mainville

I’m probably one of the most optimistic Indigenous lawyers out there, so I’ll continue to try. Because I have a daughter, I have nieces and nephews raising kids and I just want life to be better for them here in Treaty 3.

– Sara Mainville