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Unlock Your Potential: Why Our Joint PhD in Educational Studies Could Be Your Game-Changer!

Unlock Your Potential: Why Our Joint PhD in Educational Studies Could Be Your Game-Changer!

Originally published September 2023

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The Joint PhD in Educational Studies Program is an exciting journey into research, scholarship, life-long learning, professional growth, self-discovery, and individual becoming. It is an intense exploration of methodological orientation and as Dr. Andrew Allen, the Director of Joint PhD Studies, articulates, it offers “a unique opportunity to develop and foster collegial relationships and friendships that will sustain and energize you throughout your academic studies and beyond.”

According to the OECD, only 1.3% of the world population held a PhD in 2022. In addition, Brenda Brouwer in her article in University Affairs (2016) points out that less than 1% of Canadians hold a PhD and she argues that Canada needs more PhDs because of the growing complexity of global issues and an increasingly competitive knowledge-based economy. She says that we need a robust supply of highly trained talent to bolster our intellectual and research capital. I believe that our Joint PhD in Educational Studies answers that call.

The Joint PhD in Educational Studies is a unique collaborative partnership between Lakehead University, the University of Windsor, and Brock University. You get the very best of each of the university partners, and you have access to a wide range of expertise and research interests, and enhanced opportunities for depth and breadth in your field of study. The program provides opportunities for study in 3 areas or fields of study: Cognition & Learning, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, and Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education. Education continues to face many challenges and we are here to help provide rewarding opportunities in generating new knowledge and directions in research in education.

For a comprehensive understanding of our program and its offerings, we invite you to visit Explore detailed insights and consider taking the next step in advancing your academic and professional aspirations by applying to our Joint PhD in Educational Studies program.

Andrew Allen, Director, Joint PhD in Educational Studies


Jennifer Cordeiro, current student: “As a mature student returning to academia after 24 years with a professional career as a registered social worker, I have found the joint PhD program to be welcoming for students with diverse backgrounds and experience. I have been able to focus my research to my interest both professionally, personally, and academically. The support I have received from my supervisor, professors, and colleagues from all three universities has been invaluable.”

John Freer, 2020 Alumni: “The Joint PhD program in Educational Studies offers a unique opportunity to study at three Ontario universities. This collaboration enriches the student experience. Throughout my doctoral journey, I benefited from the support of diverse perspectives from faculty and classmates from the University of Windsor, Brock, and Lakehead. The program combines flexibility and academic rigour, as you transform into an educational researcher.”

Thu Le, current student: “Starting the Joint PhD program in Educational Studies at the University of Windsor is the best decision I have ever made in my life. Each coursework in the program has provided me with essential knowledge, theories, and skills that pave my way for my dissertation. After nearly two years in the program, I have grown from a novice international graduate student to a confident emerging scholar in terms of mental strength, academic achievements, research skill enhancement, and professional skill development. I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to study with/from my supervisor, professors, and friends.”