Anti-Bullying, Class Management, Field Trips, SEL

Stop Punching Judy — Anti-bullying program for kids

The Second City is renowned for creating live comedy shows that deal head-on with controversial topics. In its latest initiative, The Second City again tackles a challenging subject matter, bullying, perhaps the biggest issue facing youth, parents, and educators.

The Second City’s new anti-bulling program, called Stop Punching Judy (a twist on the classic Punch & Judy puppet shows dating back to the 18th century), includes two puppeteers portraying a variety of puppet characters, and a live-action performer who hosts the presentation and interacts with the puppets and students.

The interactive presentation, suitable for school-wide audiences from Kindergarten to Grade 8, emphasizes personal safety for bystanders, as well as empathy towards the bullied and the bullies alike. Along with the live, interactive presentation, an extensive Teacher’s Resource Package, containing additional resources, discussion topics, sample assignments, and lesson plans is provided to help educators continue to work with students after the presentation is over.


“The students and teachers really enjoyed the performance and remained engaged throughout the show. The very next day some students became active bystanders using the example shown in this performance… An excellent show, well worth the money.”
— Lyn Davy, Principal, Flemington Public School

The Second City’s Educational Programs offer unique and rewarding educational experiences for Ontario students and teachers that help unlock creativity and innovation, and foster positive discussion. For more information on Stop Punching Judy or The Second City’s other educational programs (Toronto location) click here.