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The Arts

Drama Game: Guess Who?

Students can learn something interesting about classmates that might have taken all year to discover

Drama: Circle Name Game

A simple way to start creating a sense of community among students is through icebreakers, such as variations of the ‘name game.’

Teachers Learn the Two-Step

For students who can’t communicate very well in traditional ways—through written tests, essays, and exercises—dance is one way for them to share feelings.

Body Worlds: Anatomy and Art

As humans we are intricate beings, powerful, yet fragile, but until recently, only medical students have had the privilege of looking at the human body

Teaching Music in the Far East

While in the East, how could I facilitate students learning music when the methods I had developed over the years seemed more suited to students in the West?

Field Trips: Dramatic Arts

An excursion for your next dramatic arts lesson is the perfect opportunity to present students with an experience that is filled with both learning and excitement.