Lisa Tran

Lisa is Managing Editor at TEACH. She is passionate about education, technology, and digital literacy.


From the Author:

Breathe In, Breathe Out: Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom

Mindfulness and yoga are becoming popular approaches in our classrooms for their principles that encourage kids to engage their minds, connect with their bodies, and breathe.

Should you ‘friend’ your students on Facebook?

What if you used an account separate from your personal one? Is any online communication with students appropriate?

What is Snoezelen? Understanding Sensory Environments for Special Needs Children

Envision walking into a room designed by the King or Queen of Imagination and endless possibility. The room is dimly lit and you feel safe and calm. Its white walls bring a sense of peace and tranquility that you have never felt before.


Education News

Devoting More Resources to Special Education Services

There is a dire shortage of special education programs and qualified teachers for children with developmental disabilities.

Breathing New Life Into Old Classroom Resources

The NAC's new digital library provides a trove of refreshed, accessible resources that make teaching easier and learning more meaningful.

The Key to Decoding Reading Proficiency in K–12 Students

This new study highlights the importance of foundational decoding proficiency and its impact on reading comprehension beyond elementary school.

A Smart Gateway to SEL: Digital Libraries

Introducing smART breaks: a free digital arts library that teaches SEL competencies to elementary school children.

Vision to Reality: Creating STEM Pathways for Black Youth

The shortage of Black men in STEM remains a dire challenge in the United States. Here's a new project that is offering research-backed ways for support.

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