Meagan Gillmore

Meagan Gillmore is a freelance writer in Toronto.


From the Author:

The Quest to Give Voting Rights to Permanent Residents 

In Canada, provincial and territorial governments determine who can vote in municipal elections, and they all currently have laws restricting that right to Canadian citizens.

June-Tired: Boosting Morale When a Pandemic Drags On

Teachers are dedicated. They’re trying to make the best of the challenges that the pandemic is presenting. But their stress levels are months ahead of what they should be.

UNHCR: The Nation Building Narrative

Few institutions have been as instrumental in shaping Canada today as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Planet School: Building a Greener World

Administrative policy may dictate how teachers deal with climate strikes. Preparing them for responding to the needs of increasingly ecologically aware students is more complicated.

Keeping Bilingualism Alive: A Conversation with the Official Languages Commissioner

Statistics show Canadians support children learning both official languages. Yet there is a struggle to recruit and retain French as a Second Language teachers across Canada.

Restricted Access: Should Phones Be Banned at School?

Many students use cell phones during class to verify information. But when they use them to check social media or send videos to classmates, it can be frustrating and distracting.

The Evolving Role of Librarians

These days, more schools are transforming traditional libraries into learning commons—places where students collaborate and participate in learning.

Rethinking Education Options After Graduation

Assisting students with applications to college or university requires more than knowing about online application procedures, program offerings, or deadlines.


Education News

Devoting More Resources to Special Education Services

There is a dire shortage of special education programs and qualified teachers for children with developmental disabilities.

Breathing New Life Into Old Classroom Resources

The NAC's new digital library provides a trove of refreshed, accessible resources that make teaching easier and learning more meaningful.

The Key to Decoding Reading Proficiency in K–12 Students

This new study highlights the importance of foundational decoding proficiency and its impact on reading comprehension beyond elementary school.

A Smart Gateway to SEL: Digital Libraries

Introducing smART breaks: a free digital arts library that teaches SEL competencies to elementary school children.

Vision to Reality: Creating STEM Pathways for Black Youth

The shortage of Black men in STEM remains a dire challenge in the United States. Here's a new project that is offering research-backed ways for support.

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