
Classroom Perspectives

Starting a School Rubik’s Cube Club

Are you interested in improving student engagement with your ELL students? Here’s an idea that I tried at my elementary school that was both fun and successful—a Rubik’s Cube club.

The Benefits of Large Print Books

I thought large print titles would be good for students with visual impairments or for struggling readers. I had no idea how many regular education students would enjoy them too.

Engaging Autistic Students with the Arts

Ask any educator who has welcomed multiple learners with autism into his or her classroom, and you will find there is no set formula for ensuring academic success.

Using Urban Legends to Engage Struggling Readers

After teaching high school reading intervention courses for many years, I know that starting with a novel is a mistake—it’s too long. Instead, I use urban legends.

Why Students Hate Writing (From Someone Who Teaches It)

Every year, almost every student says, “I suck at writing. I hate it.” I hear this phrase far more than “Hello,” “Thank you,” or even “Can I use the restroom?”

Packing for Success: How to Establish a Teaching Abroad Experience

The teacher candidates in our Bachelor of Education program were about to embark not only on a professional journey, but also an actual journey, to teach abroad.

Collaborating in a School with No Library

Do you remember the first time you entered the school library as a child? I do. There were books everywhere.

Teaching the Real Purpose of Writing

In English classes, which require students to sit and read or write for extended periods of time, it can be challenging to get them to want to do their work.

Education News

Devoting More Resources to Special Education Services

There is a dire shortage of special education programs and qualified teachers for children with developmental disabilities.

Breathing New Life Into Old Classroom Resources

The NAC's new digital library provides a trove of refreshed, accessible resources that make teaching easier and learning more meaningful.

The Key to Decoding Reading Proficiency in K–12 Students

This new study highlights the importance of foundational decoding proficiency and its impact on reading comprehension beyond elementary school.

A Smart Gateway to SEL: Digital Libraries

Introducing smART breaks: a free digital arts library that teaches SEL competencies to elementary school children.

Vision to Reality: Creating STEM Pathways for Black Youth

The shortage of Black men in STEM remains a dire challenge in the United States. Here's a new project that is offering research-backed ways for support.

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