Originally published in TEACH Magazine, July/August 2023 Issue

Name: Elsa
Age: 4 years
Breed: Welsh Corgi
Characteristics: faithful, patient, sweet
Location: Puerto Rico, USA
Parent: Ana Celia G.
Elsa is a registered therapy dog who helped out at pediatric COVID-19 vaccination sites during the pandemic. She was awarded a medal from the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Medicine for her hard work! She is also an honorary mascot at Ana’s school, since she visits often.

Name: Jambox
Age: 11 years
Breed: Boxer
Characteristics: excitable, loveable, toy destroyer
Location: Texas, USA
Parent: Megan B.

Names: Jerry (left) | Snowy (right)
Ages: 1 year | 1 year
Breed: Syrian Hamsters
Characteristics: athletic, curious, soft | climber, funny, quiet
Location: Ontario, Canada
Parent: Marilena M.
If you’d like your pet to be featured, check out the submission guidelines.
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