Originally published in 2013
By Sherry Fay
I am Teacher.
I can wear fifteen different hats on my head and not one of them from the same ‘dress shop.’
I am Teacher.
My desk is buried with pages of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But when it comes to finding a paper that I need in five seconds flat, I’m a regular Nancy Drew.
I am Teacher.
I will prepare a lesson built for an entire community and yet designed for each citizen. No child left behind. Only little footprints leading to a future.
I am Teacher.
I can balance a carton of eggs, a bowl of fish, and a stack of books. Up a staircase, down a hall, and still open a door with my big toe.
I am Teacher.
I have my own problems. I’ll still listen to yours. I’ll just wear mine upon my shoulders and make room in my arms for your solace.
I am Teacher.
I spend each day giving praise. And yet when I open the pages of a newspaper, there will be blame and injury against educators. Even a local press will allow the a storm of insults just to get a read, but I will still report to work on Monday and be proud to be who I am.
I am Teacher.
Payday is Bill Day. No contract in five years. They will tell me times are hard. But by tomorrow children will be given new million dollar gadgets that could have filled my family’s furnace for a winter.
I am Teacher.
If you arrive without mittens, here. Have mine. And if you need me during lunch, you can have every bit of my time.
I will listen to fairytale stories. And the same story from last week or last year. I’ll even hear a hundred tattle tales and a million thousand excuses. I might be your worst critic but I am still your number one fan.
I can call your bluff before you even blink.
I will read your thoughts.
Your fears.
Your collage of dreams.
I am Teacher.
I am Philospher. I am Learner, Inventor, and the highest of all achievers. I will get pushed down and moved around, but I’ll persevere. My marathon is more than a race. My Everest is ten times that it should be. But I’ll make it and you’re coming with me.
I am Teacher. Take of me what you NEED.
Just remember to GIVE back to the future that you will be.
Sherry Fay has been an elementary educator in New Hampshire for sixteen years. She has two daughters and three rescued dogs. Follow her new teaching blog at www.ptmomotteacher.blogspot.com.
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