Originally published in TEACH Magazine, May/June 2024 Issue

Name: Dakota
Age: 4 years
Breed: Northern Special (Husky/Shepherd Cross)
Characteristics: loving, intelligent, energetic
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Parent: Shirely B.

Name: Luna
Age: 8 years
Breed: Papillon/Chihuahua Mix
Characteristics: big scary wolf, family protector
Location: North Carolina, USA
Parent: Eric G.

Names: The Great Grey Ooblek (left) | Gandy Fluffyjammiepants (right)
Ages: 2 years | 9 years
Breeds: Domestic Longhair | Norwegian Forest/Tabby Cross
Characteristics: in love, devoted, nice
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Parent: Holly C.
If you’d like your pet to be featured, check out the submission guidelines.
TEACH is the largest national education publication in Canada. We support good teachers and teaching and believe in innovation in education.