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Special Education

The Benefits of Large Print Books

I thought large print titles would be good for students with visual impairments or for struggling readers. I had no idea how many regular education students would enjoy them too.

Engaging Autistic Students with the Arts

Ask any educator who has welcomed multiple learners with autism into his or her classroom, and you will find there is no set formula for ensuring academic success.

The Case for Fido in the Classroom

These days there is an increased demand—and need—for therapy or service dogs in the classroom. But one of the problems with dogs at school is a lack of national standards.

Helping Kids With Dyslexia

Technology can be a classroom boon for those who are dyslexic. Computer-based experiences can promote social emotional learning, while apps can help to promote reading skills.

Special Needs: An Insider’s Perspective

Dear teacher, You’ve been teaching us about types of writing: the difference between fiction and non-fiction; procedural writing; business letters and personal letters—like ...

Expanding Inclusive Education

Each year, groups of students in British Columbia begin classes after their peers because schools aren’t sure where to place them. Administrators and teachers often spend the ...