Teacher’s Pet: March/April 2023

Originally published in TEACH Magazine, March/April 2023 Issue

Name: Atticus
Age: 14 years
Breed: Golden/Lab Mix
Characteristics: laid-back, loved, loyal
Location: Iowa, USA
Parent: Britt J.

Names: Sean (white) | Julian (black)
Ages: 6 years | 1 year
Breeds: Domestic Shorthair
Characteristics: curious, gentlemanly, particular | affectionate, mischievous, shy
Location: Minnesota, USA
Parent: Janel S.

Name: Winnie
Age: 3 years
Breed: Newfoundland
Characteristics: huggable, lazy, sizeable
Location: Washington, USA
Parent: Sherry S.
If you’d like your pet to be featured, check out the submission guidelines.