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Cameron Conaway

Teaching the Teacher: Material

We treat the knowledge contained within our brains as though it’s material. We want what others know, then, once we “have” that, we want to know the things they do not. What ...

Teaching the Teacher: Experiential

Simply experiencing is not enough, however, we must also reflect. We are in control, though, of how we work to understand and extract meaning from experience. Butter, sugar, ...

Teaching the Teacher: Digital

Today’s students are growing up with gadgets no larger than a matchbox that can take high-definition pictures. They have constant access to social media while we did not.

Teaching the Teacher: Cultural

Culture encompasses and represents what a society or people deem important, historic or excellent with regard to characteristics, mannerisms, art, etc. Students can teach us ...

Teaching the Teacher: Reminders

We are going to fail. Our lesson plans won’t connect with students. Our students won’t grasp our sharing of concepts in the way we learned them. There will even be times when...

Teaching the Teacher: Generational

Whether we realize it or not, many of us become set in our ways. It’s natural. This means, especially as we age, we find what works and what we like, and we stick to it ...

Teaching the Teacher: Introduction

The “Teaching the Teacher” series is dedicated to highlighting a hidden benefit of teaching. It’s a benefit rarely discussed seriously and rarely, if ever studied as the ...