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Educator Book Review

Educator Book Review: The ANIE

The Assessment of Numeracy in Education (ANIE) is designed for educators to evaluate students' understanding of mathematical concepts beyond traditional methods.

Educator Book Review: Looks Like Daylight

Looks Like Daylight: Voices of Indigenous Kids Written by Deborah Ellis Published by Groundwood Books Category: Teen/Young Adult, Social Studies, Humanities, History Reviewed ...

Educator Book Review: Healing the Bruises

Healing the Bruises is a colourful, graphic novel based on an experience of a woman and her daughter who were helped by Alice Housing, a non-profit organization that helps ...

Educator Review: Peace: The Exhibition

Intended for use in a school setting, is a great resource for learning about Canadian contributions to peace worldwide, this text has many valuable components of instilling a ...

Educator Review: Nunami

Nunami is a stunning collection of poems, written from a visitor’s perspective on life in the true North strong and free.

Educator Review: Moment to Moment

As teachers or parents we’ve all been there: a child in the midst of a tantrum, crying and beyond consolable. As the title of this resource, suggests, it provides effective ...

Educator Review: Picture Me

Picture Me is told from the points of view of three girls, Krista, the victim, Chelsea, the bully, and Tessa, the bystander. Krista is a smart, shy girl who moves to a new ...

Educator Review: Gifted to Learn

Author and educator Gloria Mehlmann engages her readers by journeying with them through three separate but interconnected narratives in her memoir Gifted to Learn.

Educator Review: I’ve Got Something to Say!

The subtitle, “How Student Voices Inform Our Teaching,” is also the premise: “student voices are central to effective classroom learning.” Transcripts of teachers’ and ...