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Language Apps

Planning a vacation abroad this summer? You might want to consider picking up a foreign language to help you on your travels.

Kid-Free Holiday Options

For teachers who spend all their professional time surrounded by the K–12 crowd, an adult-only vacation destination may be just what is required to recharge the batteries.

Preventing the Summer Slide

Perhaps some learning loss is to be expected during summer vacation, but there are reasonable concerns about how the break may weaken students’ reading and math skills.

Don’t Make Your Classroom Flip a Flop

Teachers are constantly look for ways to make best use of their limited class time. That’s one reason why many have taken to “flipping” their classrooms in recent years.

Top Tips for Parent Interviews

Preparing for parent-teacher interviews can be as stressful, perhaps more, than assembling the grades often discussed at them—especially because teachers often receive little ...