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Teaching Resource

Teaching through Metaphor and Analogy

All learning happens through connection. We make sense of new information by forging connections to something we already know. For example, early automobiles made sense to ...

Is Sex Education Working?

The quality and quantity of a teacher’s own sex education also play a role in the quality and quantity of sex education they provide. “There isn’t a lot of [sexual health ...

How to Show Students You Respect Them

You see, here’s the thing that some of us – teachers and parents alike – don’t really take time to stop and think about: kids’ feelings have value too. And they all have their ...

Why Boys Aren’t Learning

Often, what a student naturally enjoys or is inclined toward will determine his or her success in various school subjects; but what if today’s classroom and curriculum ...

Different Learning Styles

When trying to instill values in children, “Kids are like modeling clay.” However, when attempting to analyse the way they learn, there is an urgency to allow kids to “unmold.”

Teaching Hearing Impaired Children

Teachers need to be sensitive to the reality that there is usually more than one visual thing happening at one time like a teacher talking while expecting students to take ...