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Teaching the Real Purpose of Writing

In English classes, which require students to sit and read or write for extended periods of time, it can be challenging to get them to want to do their work.

Movement in the Classroom

After teaching at an alternative middle school for the past 4 years, the one thing I constantly hear from new students is: “We can move around in your room and not get in trouble?

“But I’m just not a good writer”

As soon as I utter the words “writing assignment,” a look of panic appears on my students’ faces. Their hands shoot up like rockets and the questions immediately start.

The STEM Effect

Certain buzz words and topics come and go in the arena of education. Currently, the word to know is STEM, the acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math.

Little School, Big Heart

It began on a lovely spring afternoon in 2015, when a Grade 7 student came up to me during recess: Student: “Do you know Rick Mercer?” Me: “Yup.” Student: “Do you know about ...