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Critical Thinking

Children’s Museum Field Trips

Children’s museums can be excellent environments to foster creativity and curiosity through hands-on, multi-sensory environments.

The Upside of Social Media

Kids today are technology-savvy, but they need to be guided in asking the right questions about the content they produce and consume.

Starting a Rubik’s Cube Club

Are you interested in improving student engagement with your ELL students? Here’s an idea that I tried at my elementary school that was both fun and successful—a Rubik’s Cube club.

Encouraging Creativity in Lesson Plans

It can be incredibly easy to treat lesson planning like a checklist. Objective: check. Standards: check. Activity: check. Education experts say there is a better way.

Don’t Make Your Classroom Flip a Flop

Teachers are constantly look for ways to make best use of their limited class time. That’s one reason why many have taken to “flipping” their classrooms in recent years.