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The Upside of Social Media

Kids today are technology-savvy, but they need to be guided in asking the right questions about the content they produce and consume.

Planet School: Building a Greener World

Administrative policy may dictate how teachers deal with climate strikes. Preparing them for responding to the needs of increasingly ecologically aware students is more complicated.

Carbon Neutral: Messages of Hope

At a time when it would be easy to scare them silly, educators need to empower kids instead. They need to know that change is possible.

Starting a Rubik’s Cube Club

Are you interested in improving student engagement with your ELL students? Here’s an idea that I tried at my elementary school that was both fun and successful—a Rubik’s Cube club.

Summer Reading

It’s no secret that students experience a loss of reading proficiency over summer holidays. Here are a few resources to help keep their reading skills sharp during the break.

Encouraging Creativity in Lesson Plans

It can be incredibly easy to treat lesson planning like a checklist. Objective: check. Standards: check. Activity: check. Education experts say there is a better way.